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the :: anti.ID.entity :: project was created in an artist residency in Húsavík, Iceland. 50 people were portrayed. those portraits were cut into 5 pieces. in an interaktive installation the portrayed had an opportunity to put together
new faces from the pieces of the others and make a portrait for them selfs.
Húsavík, Island. 2015.
:: 50 faCes ::
alL of them shuffled together in, not every, but many different possible constellations a pRoject which aims to cultivate the spiRit of the anti.ID.entity-idea :: that we aRe within an °I° an °us° and that a face can be the one of many but still carries individual characteristics, which aRe unique to the °I° :: so :: °I° starts when the °you° ends and vice versa
with the fine support of Deerhoof's track
"kidz are so small"
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